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About Chayah Ministries International

Values Statement


At Chayah Ministries International our members must live by core values, which reflect the word of God in our lives showing the very reason for our existence.


  1. Chayah Ministry members live by the Word of God, which is the only true foundation for life and ministry. The Bible must be lived out in our lives, as we believe the Bible is God’s word.

  2. We believe we were created to bring honour and glory to God. Our worship is to be a true response to God’s grace and work in our lives. It is to be done in spirit and in truth. It must be a way of life and not a Sunday morning happening. Praying, our testimony and singing are some of the ways we affirm God’s worthiness in our daily lives.

  3. We should be maturing in conformity to the image of Christ. Our Christian maturing manifest itself in obedience to God’s word and total surrender to God’s will for our lives.

  4. Our house must be a house of prayer. Jesus valued, demonstrated and taught the importance of prayer. Prayer is the absolute prerequisite for God’s power and blessing upon our lives and ministry.

  5. Acknowledge that the family is the foundation for teaching godly behaviour and as such strive to provide an environment, which strengthens and encourages marriages and families.

  6. Love must be the first fruit in the ministry, we have a responsibility to care for one another and encourage one another to love and good works. Fellowship is encouraged.

  7. God’s Holy Spirit must be in total control of every aspect of our ministry.





We wish the peace of Jesus be upon you...



Chayah Ministries International Will Strive For The Restoration Of Mankind By:


  1. Being A Clear Sounding Trumpet Of The Gospel Of God’s Kingdom. 

  2. Preaching Christ And Him Crucified Thereby Allowing The Saints Of God To Know Who They Are In Christ. 

  3. Teaching And Equipping The Saints of God That They Will Fulfill Their God Given Purpose.

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